DS9 identifies interesting founder-led businesses that has created solutions, technologies, and services that would like to reach the next level of success in their business, but do not want to go VC or Private Equity routes. These companies may or may not have a vision for their future and are open to "what-ifs" and possibilities.
We help companies build the company they want for markets that need their technology and services. Part of building a successful business is having a great team, culture, mission, roadmap, operational "know-how", and ability to connect-the-dots to revenue and sustainability. We help where we are needed and welcome. We love autonomy and know you do to.
Reaching the next level is easy, if you know what you are doing and doing it with the right people. Finding and amplifying your company's voice, finding the right pathways to boost sales and revenue, and upgrading how you do your kind of awesome is all apart of reaching the next level. Plus, you don't have to move to S.F. or NYC to make things happen.

DS9 Capital (“DS9”) is a founder-friendly portfolio management holding company focused on building enduring and stable cash-flowing businesses in the insurance and healthcare technology space. DS9 is generally focused on frontier technology and service offerings in the insurance and healthcare space largely leveraging cloud-based infrastructure, and more specifically on applying our domain expertise to nano-cap sized businesses to expand the value chain for all stakeholders. This value creation typically includes: investment, leveraging our vast resources and networks to create a strategic pipeline for organic growth, and realigning the businesses to optimize commercial and IP assets. Our tactical goal with each of our companies is to leverage our expertise into higher margin and missed revenue opportunities.
We are not quite VC, not quite, Private Equity, we are... DS9.
Founder-friendly, Domain Expertise, Management & Advisory
Our team has experience defined by decades of corporate and entrepreneurial experience in insurance, healthcare, technology, and capital markets. When deployed against our portfolio companies, the result has been roadmap growth/acceleration, significant operational refinements, sales cycle compression on new business, increased valuation, financial leverage, and sustainability. This is accomplished because we think like founders first, and operators second the application of which leads to creative and efficient business structures that generate value long term.
Having operated cloud-first businesses we have a deep bench of operational management, guidance and resources to operationally refine businesses to lead increased margin and scale, while improving dependency on human capital to scale successfully. This focus separates vaporware into highly sought-after businesses and ensuing valuations (and real-cash flow).
We also focus on operational tuning without disrupting portfolio culture and cadence. Our portfolio companies are encouraged to be autonomous and focused on creating real value by accessing DS9 resources and platform.
Our deep personal networks catalyze new business development, expanded business channels, access to deeply experienced technology leadership, and access to capital to grow and sustain an enduring business.
Access to capital is the lifeblood of a company and often defines its success. We realize capital comes in many forms and types and we provide access to not only financial capital, but social and operational capital which provide non-dilutive options for founders.
If you are interested in investing or partnering with us or in one of our companies, reach out, and let's chat. We are happy to share what we are working on and what's next.
Track Record
DS9 Capital is managing a portfolio of companies that are topically related and have realized exceptional growth because of our extreme attention to alignment of interests. We are founders and operators as well who understand the dilutive natures of traditional VC and PE investment and have experience with both. DS9 Principals understand and provide a business-friendly alternative allowing founders to unlock and scale their potential without the dilutive and discouraging nature of the traditional outside investment. Our thoughtfully detailed and creative founder mindset enables us to partner with our Founders to meaningfully accelerate the success of our portfolio companies.